Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Vision on End Times

**Unity is a young girl from India. Notice that she mentioned that she saw the rice even has 666 seal on it. You can also view her video from this website
The day I had a vision of Jesus was on the Youth Sunday, March 9, 2006. Jesus told me of three things;
1. The Rapture of the Saints.
2. The Rule of the beast.
3. The Judgments of God.
All the Saints who have done His will were taken up into the Rapture, where Jesus appeared midway in the heavens. He took up all those on the Earth who did His will. The faithful ones who were in the graves were also taken up into the sky during the rapture.After the rapture, I saw angels fight against a dragon who is the 666. He was defeated, and there was no room for him in heaven, so he fell to earth. The dragon said that he would rule over the earth for a number of years.He went away and then another beast came which had 10 heads and 7 horns. ** He wore crowns on his head which had blasphemous names written on.
Announcer: Did he look him a human being?
He looked like a human being, but very very fearful. I saw that during his reign, even the rice had his mark sealed on it. Even money had his mark sealed on it. People who believed in him had his mark sealed on them, which was 666.
Announcer: He put the seal of 666 on all commerce? So what happened to those who believed in Jesus?
Those who believed in Jesus, at that time, were severely persecuted. Their flesh was cut while they were alive, their eyes were gouged out. Their throats were slit and they were fried in huge containers. When Jesus comes to earth again He ascended right down onto the surface of the Earth. When the dragon, who was the 666, saw the glory of Jesus, the dragon could not bear it and fled. When Jesus came down again, those who were dead, those who were left behind during the rapture awoke from their graves. The Angels blew their trumpets and all the dead rose from their graves to go for the judgment day of God.
Announcer: Wonderful, wonderful, OK what else Unity?
Then Jesus put the goats to the left and the sheep to the right. These goats were those who did not do His will and those who had the mark of the 666.Those who were on the right were the lambs. They had the mark of the cross and they are the ones who did the will of Jesus. God then judged each and every person who Jesus divided into groups, the goats and the sheep. And each and every one was judged before God. And every person’s sins were viewed on a TV Screen.God asked, “When a person witnessed to you about Jesus Christ, did you believe and repent or not?” If they replied “NO” then they were damned to Hell. I saw that those who were cast into hell, fell into a bottomless pit. They fell into the pit and where tossed about without reaching anywhere. There was a hot raging fire. They shouted and screamed begging Jesus for mercy. I also saw a place full of worms, large snakes and hell fire. I saw people there too. The worms would go in through one nostril and out the other. I saw a big stringing caterpillar stuck to the cheek of one man. I saw a snake curl around the body and caterpillars crawling over peoples bodies.REPENTANCE IS ONLY ON EARTH AND NOT IN THE AFTERLIFE
Announcer: What happened after that?
Jesus said that now is the time for you to repent. In this revival you will be saved. Jesus gave us this revival because He loves us.
Announcer: What else Unity?
That’s all. [End of this Vision]
[Unity had another vision/dream on revival in Australia!]
Announcer: Where in Australia, which city?
[Unity doesn’t seem to know which city she was carried off to in her vision /dream]
I met Jesus on a Sunday and He revealed to me some marvelous things. Jesus also took me to Australia, where I met 4 friends, John, Kenny, Mark and Mary. I saw many people looking joyful, dancing and singing. They had tasted the revival. I was singing and dancing and happy with them because Jesus had caused a revival in Australia. In that Australian church I saw many angels inside and outside the church. They were flying around in circles. They were blowing their trumpets and singing praises and thanks to Jesus. Then Jesus said He would take me to the same place and that we would meet again one day.
**It is definitely amazing how the Lord is using children to reach the lost..God bless you..

Monday, April 21, 2008

How to be saved..

Hi all, these passage was taken from interesting and encouraging for us to know and understanding what Jesus wants us to do in our daily life..just to give His Glory..Amen

How to be saved

First, you must give your heart to Jesus Christ and repent of the sins in your life. Jesus will then take away every sin from your past from that moment on. No matter what sin you have committed, He will never remember them and His Spirit will come into you and live within you. You will have His peace and joy within, which the world can never give you. He truly wants you to go to Heaven and be blessed while you're on earth.

Going to church is very important to the Lord, because it is His house and He wants His people to praise Him. While we are praising Him in the church, we will receive many different kinds of blessing, such as healing and deliverance.

Also, it is very important to listen to His word and fellowship with other Christians. This is what He wants us to do after we are saved. Reading the Bible daily and praying, many times a day, is a good way to have a relationship with Jesus. This way, you will hear His voice. God loves to hear your voice raised, praising Him instead of praying silently. God talks to us through the Bible because every word in the Bible is God breathed. Some Christians and non-Christians literally hear God's voice; sometimes in whispers and other times His spirit speaks into our spirits. When this happens it is like a normal conversation between two people.

After giving our hearts to God, we must work out our salvation daily by giving up the worldly things that we have been doing before our salvation. If you really try, Jesus will strengthen you in every area of your life and you will find a joy that you could never imagine. The world can never match this joy. God will test your obedience and if you are sincere, God will begin blessing you beyond belief. Some blessing come quickly, while others are slower to come. This is why we have to pray continually.

Learning God's word is very important. Without knowing His word it's very hard to lead a life holy to the Lord and serve Him and be blessed. If you have a desire to serve Him, God will bless you immeasurably. God's own son wanted to serve Him so much that He gave up His life for us. He didn't just die, but suffered mightily by hanging on the cross for hours, shedding His blood to cover our sins. This was done to save all mankind from the lake of fire.

God hates sin. Please ask God to search your heart to see if you have sinned willfully or without knowing before your bedtime prayer each night. We all sin every day and fall short of the glory of God. With God, nothing is impossible. He can do any and all things through us, but He will never force us to come to Him. We are born with a will and it is a matter of personal choice for each and everyone to come to Him or reject Him. He wants us to make a choice for Him and not the world.

This is the reason that anyone who has the salvation experience should witness and let others know about the Jesus that lives within them and resides on their tongue. Many feel that after we die, we don't know anything. In reality, only our bodies die, but the spirit and soul lives on through eternity, just as when we were alive. This is the reason He wants everyone to come to salvation.

If you have been saved but have back slidden, please search your heart and make it right with God. Don't wait too long for we don't know the hour or the day that our lives will end or when Jesus comes for His church. One of the saddest things in life is to never know Jesus. My heart aches for these unfortunate people because I know where they are going. I have Jesus' love in me. Jesus' heart aches for His people every second, but there is nothing He can do for those who don't believe in Him. Whoever doesn't believe will be in Satan's hands for eternity.

~~Hope you enjoy reading these passage..and don't forget to apply in your life, and me either..

For God has been stated in His Holy Word:-
John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that He gaves His only Son. And whoever believe in Him should not perish but have everlasting life..

Come to Lord Jesus and He will save you....Amen..