Wednesday, October 5, 2011

WelcoMe Back!!

Dear all,
It's been a long time i never visit my blog or post any blog inside..i was so busy with a lots of things happened in my life, after i've been transfered to Sibu, Sarawak with my first government job, then facing lots of temptation in people's place, studied all the books & rules which was a compulsary subject to confirm as goverment's officer, i have to sit and passed all the exams, and so on, but when i faced all these, i was so thankful to have my God in my life. I can do all things within Him who always strengthen me.Thank You Jesus.

Recently, my bestfriend introduced me to one of the Elken's product called Sprirulina. She knows i have gastrik all this times, she knows when i always complaining about the pain. She's the best friend i ever have, im so gladful to have her in my life. Thank God for sending her. She always pray for my health, my work, and my life instead of never ignored me when i need her help.

After i tried this product, i felt some changed in my life. My hairfalls become less than before, and the gastrict never attack me. At first trial, i got fever, but it is normal for the first time. After that, it will become normal as usual. It is a good product and good for your health. Even though its quite expensive, it worthy because of the quality. If you guys or girls out there, who's interesting with this product, you can try it and its good!. Never try never know. Okay, that's all for today. To be continued...

Saturday, January 9, 2010


Hatiku siap, ya Allah, hatiku siap; aku mau menyanyi, aku mau bermazmur. Bangunlah, hai jiwaku, bangunlah, hai gambus dan kecapi, aku mau membangunkan fajar!

Mazmur 57: 8, 9

Kita suka sekali dengan kata Percepatan. Apalagi kalau percepatan tentang jawaban doa, berkat yang berlimpah, kesembuhan dan sebagainya.

Daud mengerti juga tentang percepatan itu. Dia memakai istilah: membangunkan fajar. Fajar sudah punya waktu atau saat dimana dia selalu bangun dan terjaga. Sebelum waktunya, Fajar tidak akan bangun. Namun kalau sampai dikatakan: membangunkan fajar, berarti: lebih cepat dari yang seharusnya.

Tetapi bagaimana caranya?

Ternyata semuanya itu diawali dengan kesiapan hati untuk terima berkat dan semua penggenapan janji-Nya, syaratnya adalah Kesiapan Hati. Untuk percepatan, tergantung seberapa cepat kita menyiapkan hati kita.

Jadi, beresi hati dari semua yang Tuhan tidak suka. Makin cepat dan banyak pertobatan maka cepat hati kita siap.

To God be the glory.

(Artikel ini dipetik daripada oleh Pdt. Petrus Agung Purnomo)

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Senjata Orang Percaya

Salam Damai buat Anda semua yang dikasihi Tuhan Yesus,

Renungan kita hari ini adalah Senjata Orang Percaya. Saya lebih suka dengan ayat ini 'Saya berperang tetapi saya selalu hidup dalam kemenangan..'. Ayat ini diambil ketika saya mendengarkan khotbahnya Pendeta Gilbert Lumuindong secara online. Di dalam kehidupan kekristianan kita, kita akan dihadapkan dengan suatu peperangan. Peperangan di sini bukanlah bermaksud peperangan melawan darah dan daging, tapi yang saya maksudkan adalah peperangan dari segi di mana kita belajar untuk tunduk dan taat kepada perintah TUHAN.

Di dalam Yesaya 45 : 1 - 6
'Beginilah firman TUHAN: "Inilah firmanKu kepada orang yang Kuurapi, kepada Koresy yang tangan kanannya Kupegang supaya Aku menundukkan bangsa-bangsa di depannya dan melucuti raja-raja, supaya Aku membuka pintu-pintu di depannya dan supaya pintu-pintu gerbang tidak tinggal tertutup: Aku sendiri hendak berjalan di depanmu dan hendak meratakan gunung-gunung, hendak memecahkan pintu-pintu tembaga dan hendak mematahkan palang-palang besi. Aku akan memberikan kepadamu harta benda yang terpendam dan harta kekayaan yang tersembunyi, supaya engkau tahu, bahwa Akulah TUHAN, Allah Israel, yang memanggil engkau dengan namamu. Oleh kerana hambaKu Yakub dan Israel, pilihanKu, maka Aku memanggil engkau dengan namamu, menggelari engkau, sekalipun engkau tidak mengenal Aku. Akulah TUHAN dan tidak ada yang lain; kecuali Aku tdak ada Allah. Aku telah mempersenjatai engkau, sekalipun engkau tidak mengenal Aku, supaya orang tahu dari terbitnya matahari sampai terbenamnya, bahwa tidak ada yang lain di luar Aku. Akulah TUHAN dan tidak ada yang lain..'

Di dalam verse 5: 'Aku telah mempersenjatai engkau...'
Senjata kita di sini adalah 'Kuasa TUHAN' dan ini dapat dibuktikan di dalam Roma 6:13: 'Dan janganlah kamu menyerahkan anggota-anggota tubuhmu kepada dosa untuk dipakai sebagai senjata kelaliman, tetapi serahkanlah dirimu kepada Allah sebagai orang-orang, yang dahulu mati, tetapi yang sekarang hidup. Dan serahkanlah anggota-anggota tubuhmu kepada Allah untuk menjadi senjata-senjata kebenaran.'

Senjata Pertama
Penyerahan penuh kepada TUHAN dengan meninggalkan dosa.

Iaitu tidak mengandalkan diri sendiri (Yeremia 17:5-8) : ‘Beginilah firman TUHAN: “Terkutuklah orang yang mengandalkan manusia, yang mengandalkan kekuatannya sendiri, dan yang hatinya menjauh dari pada TUHAN! Ia akan seperti semak bulus di padang belantara, ia tidak akan mengalami datangnya keadaan baik; ia akan tinggal di tanah angus di padang gurun, di negeri padang asin yang tidak berpenduduk. Diberkatilah orang yang mengandalkan TUHAN, yang menaruh harapannya pada TUHAN! Ia akan seperti pohon yang ditanam di tepi air, yang merambatkan akar-akarnya ke tepi batang air, dan yang tidak mengalami datangnya panas terik, yang daunnya tetap hijau, yang tidak kuatir dalam tahun kering, dan yang tidak berhenti menghasilkan buah.

Senjata Kedua

Hati yang dipenuhi dengan pujian dan syukur.

Kita dapat lihat di dalam 2 Tawarikh 20:20-22, di mana kemenangan atas Moab dan Amon.

‘Keesokan harinya pagi-pagi mereka maju menuju padang gurun Tekoa. Ketika mereka hendak berangkat, berdirilah Yosafat, dan berkata: "Dengar, hai Yehuda dan penduduk Yerusalem! Percayalah kepada TUHAN, Allahmu, dan kamu akan tetap teguh! Percayalah kepada nabi-nabi-Nya, dan kamu akan berhasil!" Setelah ia berunding dengan rakyat, ia mengangkat orang-orang yang akan menyanyi nyanyian untuk TUHAN dan memuji TUHAN dalam pakaian kudus yang semarak pada waktu mereka keluar di muka orang-orang bersenjata, sambil berkata: "Nyanyikanlah nyanyian syukur bagi TUHAN, bahwasanya untuk selama-lamanya kasih setia-Nya!" Ketika mereka mulai bersorak-sorai dan menyanyikan nyanyian pujian, dibuat Tuhanlah penghadangan terhadap bani Amon dan Moab, dan orang-orang dari pegunungan Seir, yang hendak menyerang Yehuda, sehingga mereka terpukul kalah.’

Yesus adalah alas an untuk kita bersyukur selalu…Halleluyah…

Mari kita lihat senjata seterusnya bagi kehidupan kita…

Senjata Ketiga

Kehidupan dalam iman dan Firman. Kita dapat lihat rujukannya dalam Efesus 6:16-17

‘..dalam segala keadaan pergunakanlah perisai iman, sebab dengan perisai itu kamu akan dapat memadamkan semua panah api dari si jahat, dan terimalah ketopong keselamatan dan pedang Roh, yaitu firman Allah..’

Kita dapat lihat di dalam firmanNya, iaitu pergunakan perisai iman untuk melawan si jahat dan memiliki pedang Roh (firman Allah) sebagai jalan keselamatan dalam kehidupan kita.

Senjata Keempat

Fikiran yang ditundukkan dalam kehendak Allah.

Mari kita lihat di dalam 1 Petrus 4:1-6 ‘Jadi, karena Kristus telah menderita penderitaan badani, kamupun harus juga mempersenjatai dirimu dengan pikiran yang demikian, --karena barangsiapa telah menderita penderitaan badani, ia telah berhenti berbuat dosa--, supaya waktu yang sisa jangan kamu pergunakan menurut keinginan manusia, tetapi menurut kehendak Allah. Sebab telah cukup banyak waktu kamu pergunakan untuk melakukan kehendak orang-orang yang tidak mengenal Allah. Kamu telah hidup dalam rupa-rupa hawa nafsu, keinginan, kemabukan, pesta pora, perjamuan minum dan penyembahan berhala yang terlarang. Sebab itu mereka heran, bahwa kamu tidak turut mencemplungkan diri bersama-sama mereka di dalam kubangan ketidaksenonohan yang sama, dan mereka memfitnah kamu. Tetapi mereka harus memberi pertanggungan jawab kepada Dia, yang telah siap sedia menghakimi orang yang hidup dan yang mati. Itulah sebabnya maka Injil telah diberitakan juga kepada orang-orang mati, supaya mereka, sama seperti semua manusia, dihakimi secara badani; tetapi oleh roh dapat hidup menurut kehendak Allah.’

Apapun yang kita buat di dalam kehidupan kita, biarlah kita selalu tunduk dan taat kepada perintahNya. Demikian juga di dalam kehidupan saya sendiri, mungkin apa yang saya alami ini tidak seperti yang saya inginkan atau mungkin juga apa yang saya perolehi ini tidak seperti yang saya minta, tetapi di dalam semuanya itu sebenarnya Tuhan telah menyediakan bagi kita dan yang pastinya sesuatu yang sangat indah bagi Dia dan juga bagi kita sendiri.

Allah selalu memberikan yang terbaik buat kehidupan kita kerana waktuNya adalah tepat dan Dia tidak pernah lalai menepati firmanNya kerana Dia adalah Allah yang setia. Pencobaan yang kita alami tidak akan melebihi kekuatan kita kerana Dia terlebih dahulu telah menyediakan jalan keluar kepada kita. Kita tahu Yesuslah senjata hidup kita.

Biarlah renungan hari ini menjadi saluran berkat buat kita semua. TUHAN memberkati…..Amen.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Hallelujah, the Tribulation has Already Begun; MARANATHA!!!

Hallelujah, the Tribulation has Already Begun; MARANATHA!!!

During 2006, 2007 and 2008 God showed so many Christians the rapture as well as some unbelievers. These visions made so many people excited about the rapture and at the same time some of us were very disappointed because it had not happen yet. I believe God wanted to stir our hearts up for the rapture so we can be prepared for it at anytime.

The Lord told me a few months ago that the tribulation has already begun. He is warning and preparing people for the rapture but realized not many are paying attention to the signs of the rapture and they will be very surprised because He is going to only bring those who are ready and waiting for Him. God also said He has given enough chances for everybody to be ready for His coming. Now the tribulation has begun and this means the rapture could happen at any time for those who are ready and waiting. After He raptures His chosen ones, then the antichrist will take over the world and great disasters will come to those left behind especially those Christians who refuse to receive the Mark of the Beast (#666). God said not too many Christians will be raptured and whoever does get raptured will have to stand before the judgment seat (2 Corinthians 5:10) and our work will be tested by fire (1 Corinthians 3:12-15). Even after we are raptured not too many Christians will enter His Kingdom because their hearts are not pure enough. When God says these words they really scare me and whoever has read the book should already know these things.

When the Lord took me to Heaven the first couple of times, He showed me crystal clear water and said one’s heart has to be as clear as this in order to enter His Kingdom. When the Lord told me this, I was very scared and I wondered how anyone’s heart could be this pure. I always live in fear of God ever since He showed me the water. This is the reason why I still spend a lot of time with the Lord by praying and having a relationship with Him daily. I know it is hard for people who work to spend long hours with the Lord but please do your best to spend as much time as you can and let Him be the center of your life not just sometimes but always. Without a relationship with the Lord and not living in fear of God, one cannot please Him. We have to make sure the Holy Spirit is pleased with us continually. He is the one who raised Jesus from the dead to Heaven (Romans 8:11). My heart’s desire is that all my brothers and sisters in the Lord will be raptured.

When I saw Linda’s prophetic words, it really impressed me. I prayed about it and the Lord told me to have it posted on my website. Some people complained about who Linda is but the truth is I did not know Linda but rather the message (the part posted on my web site) and how it is biblical. The message posted on my website from Linda is very similar to what God tells me and also what He wants His Bride to be. It hurts me to see the way some Christians live and behave and they don’t know what it takes to be the Bride of Jesus. We cannot let anyone or anything come before God no matter what the situation. We have to know that He has to be above everyone and everything in our lives. According to Luke 14:26-27, none of our family members or loved ones can ever be put before our Lord Jesus who died for us. PRAISE THE LORD. Anyone who wants to be holy has to live by the word of God. We have to walk a narrow path (Matthew 7:14). Whatever hardship comes into our lives we have to endure as good soldiers of the Lord (2 Timothy 2:3).

Some Christians believe by doing great work for God they will enter the Kingdom (Matthew 7:22-23). The most important part of our salvation is total obedience and love (Matthew 5:19; Mark 12:30-31; John 14:23-24). We must love others enough to witness to them to also be saved. Jesus died for our soul, if we truly love the Lord and want to please Him, we have to die from the world because we cannot love both (1 John 2:15-16). God is love and He wants us to love all not just believers and if we have unforgivness in our hearts that is a great sin. We have to forgive and not hate others no matter what they have done to us. His word says the people who are living in darkness are the ones who do not forgive (1 John 2:11). If one does not forgive then they also cannot be forgiven by God and that will prevent that person from entering the Kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 6:14-15). As much as the Lord suffered for our eternity, whatever we sacrifice for Him is really insignificant because no suffering that we will ever endure can ever be compared to what He went through.

Some Christians think when they receive the Lord into their hearts by faith that is all they have to do in their Christian life but this actually is a deception from the Devil. According to Philippians 2:12, we must work out our salvation with fear and trembling. We must never forget that without a pure heart no one can see the Lord (Matthew 5:8, Ephesians 5:27, Hebrews 12:14). God is so holy that any defiled thing cannot enter His Kingdom. I believe this is why God showed me so many people outside His Kingdom and that is called the valley. Some people tell me that being in the valley is better than Hell. Yes, of course it is better than Hell, but we still have a chance to receive the wonderful promises of God if we enter His Kingdom. All He requires from us is a small sacrifice and that is to be obedient and to love Him above all. Jesus suffered and died for our eternity so why shouldn’t we receive all that He prepared for us?

We should be looking forward to being the most beautiful Bride of Christ. Why shouldn’t we give up all worldly habits and try to please the Lord? We are only on this earth for such a short period of time but with the Lord it will be forever and the happiest time we could ever imagine. Whatever we sacrifice while we are here on earth is all worth it. In Linda’s message she commented on how Christians are watching too much television. Truly reborn Christians do not watch worldly things on television or listen to worldly music. Like God says, we cannot enjoy both the world and Him.

We must understand that the tribulation has begun but none of us will know the day or hour when the rapture will actually occur. We have to patiently wait and never give up, just be ready and waiting for the Lord because no one can understand God’s will (Isaiah 55:8-9). I believe those who are not ready and waiting are going to be very surprised how soon the rapture could happen.

The Lord is concerned about some pastors and He is very dissatisfied with them because they are not teaching about the End times, Rapture and Mark of the Beast (# 666). God says these pastors are going to be left behind with members of their congregation and most of those church bodies will receive the Mark of the Beast because they have never been taught what will happen to them if they receive this number. This is why the Lord says most Christians left behind will become Satan’s. The Lord also said most churches that have business on His holy day (buying and selling things) and are not teaching His church bodies not to spend money on the Lord’s day. According to the Lord, Christians should only use money on the Lord’s day for tithes and offerings (Nehemiah 10:31 and 13:15, 1 Corinthians 16:2).

I am humble and thankful to God for allowing me to write this for my brothers and sisters in the Lord. I pray this message from our Lord will be a blessing and an eye opener to every reader so His Bride will be ready and waiting for the rapture of the Body of Christ, Amen.

Peace and all spiritual blessing to every reader.

To God be all the glory and honor.


Choo Thomas

Monday, October 27, 2008

My Engagement Day

First of all, i want to thank to my Lord Jesus Christ for His Cares & Loves that pour in all my days..

I had my engagement on 26th Oct 2008, everything goes doubt..everything is smooth..even sometimes got a bit misunderstanding..but, its solve by the time..thanks to both parents from my side and the guy side..thanks also the witnesses..and thanks to all who joins the day..

Halleluyah..Glory to Lord Jesus...Amen..

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The End Time Is Near

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,As we all can see the end time is already here. When you receive this message, please forward it to everyone you know; it is the most important message for everyone before the Rapture and those left behind. Please do print this message and share it with as many as you can. Anyone who calls themselves a Christian and has no desire to witness to souls, this is the saddest thing to our Lord because He died for our souls, PRAISE THE LORD.
Choo Thomas

"He required everyone - great and small, rich and poor, slave and free - to be given a mark on the right hand or on the forehead. And no one could buy or sell anything without that mark, which was either the name of the beast or the number representing his name. Wisdom is needed to understanding this. Let the one who has understanding solve the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. His number is 666" (Rev. 13:16-18 New Living Translation).

At the present time, computer-assisted biometric identification systems are being developed rapidly and have been readily accepted into our society. Miniature computer chips, using RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology, have already been embedded within electronic appliances, retail goods, livestock, and human beings. This is not tomorrow's science fiction- it is happening today. In many parts of the world, Applied Digital Corporation's human implanted RFID microchip (VeriChip) is used to help diagnose Alzheimer's disease, mental illness, Diabetes, heart problems and it also helps to prevent kidnappings. In the near future, this type of biochip will be widely accepted and implanted for personal identification, protection, monitoring, tracking, commerce, and other uses not yet imagined. Unfortunately, such biochips store personal identification and the information generated from its use will be stored and maintained in a computer database. Your body becomes a tagged asset that is monitored and whose behavior will be tracked. Implanting the microchip in the body alters a person's physically, mentally and ultimately - spiritually. The problem that arises from the use of biochip in humans is more than an aesthetic, medical, political, or legal issue.Satan works in the world and he shapes people and society to achieve his goals. Knowingly or not, anti-christ will force people to follow and obey an agenda that appears to be in the best interest of its people but, in following the pattern of human history and man's rebellion to God, will bring about pain and suffering until Christ comes again."
...he [satan's agent] deceived all the people who belong to this world. He ordered the people of the world to make a great statue of the first beast, who was fatally wounded and then came back to life. He was permitted to give life to this stature so that it could speak. Then the statue commanded that anyone refusing to worship it must die." (Rev 13vs14-15 New LivingTranslation).A time is coming when society and lives will be ruled by a self-imposed system where mankind is monitored, analyzed, measured, and evaluated by computers. In those times, anyone who refuses to accept this system will be tortured then killed.

We are moving towards a ubiquitous society where people from all walks of life can access anything, anywhere, and at anytime regardless of time and location. The implementations of RFID technology in retail stores is one example. It's estimated that the majority of retail merchandise will use RFID technology within 1 or 2 years (as of 2005) and will replace bar codes, which have been used for the past 30 years.What drives such development is the belief that we will live safer, easier, richer and more enjoyable lives by using technology to manage everyday aspects of daily life. In a society that craves automated financial management, instant communication and security, it's not a far stretch for RFID enabled biochips to be implanted into the body, and eventually replacing currency that is easily stolen, lost, or hidden. In the near future:1) All people will be required to have a biochip. All economic operations will use this chip thereby replacing today's unit of monetary exchange.2) There will be privacy invasion and freedom will cease to exist.3) A charismatic leader, who is the Anti-Christ, will rule the whole world through a system that is interconnected and interdependent.

Accepting this mark is the irreversible act of selling your soul to Satan. This sin is unforgivable and cannot be reversed by physically removing the mark (Rev. 14:9-11). Your soul belongs to God. Therefore if you receive this mark, you then will belong to Satan.2) If you receive this mark, you willfully placing your faith in man and not in God. You are actively choosing to live without a loving God who desires to spend eternity with you in Heaven. God does not want you choosing Hell's path.God knew these things beforehand, and because He loves us and wants us to acknowledge this, it was revealed to us through the writing of the apostle John in Revelation around 100 AD.If you are not taken up to heaven and are thereby left behind for the tribulation, you must not receive the mark of the beast even though you will be tortured then killed for not accepting the government's sanctioned acts of satan. You must remember this at all times because the hope of heaven still remains until the end comes.

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Rom. 3:23). Money is not everything. A person cannot come to God by believing in any other gods, ethics, discipline, or by good deeds.Only a personal relationship with Jesus Christ makes it possible to stand righteous before a holy God at end of human history. It was for this reason that Jesus Christ suffered on the cross, shed His blood, died, and came back to life. This was done to demonstrate God's willingness, ability, and glory in saving us from sin and death.I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father excerpt through Me. (John 14:6)That if you confess with your mouth, Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified. And it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. (Rom 10:9-10) You must believe in Jesus and that He died for your sins. Jesus loves you. For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16)Realize that you are as sinner and you must pray in faith. You need to receive Jesus as your personal Savior. There is surely a Heaven and a Hell. Jesus Christ is the only way to Heaven.

Jesus, who redeemed us through the cross will prepare a place and will come back to be with us. He has promised us. (John 14:3)The rapture will take place before the Great Tribulation (Rev. 3:10). Jesus said, "you know to interpret how to interpret the appearance of the sky but you cannot interpret the signs of the times, (Matt. 16:3 Luke 12:56).

The rapture is reserved for those saints who will be lifted into the sky upon God's trumpet call, saints that are to be raptured will be lifted into the sky to meet Jesus in the clouds (1 The 4:16-17). The rapture is reserved for those believers who wear spiritual white robes. Their physicalbody will be transformed into a glorious body and will be God's delight, (Rev. 19:7-8). If you remain in lukewarm faith, Jesus will spew you out so you must not be like this type of believer (Rev. 3:16). Jesus' first coming was to bring salvation, but He is coming again to meet those who are Ready and Waiting in the clouds at the sound of the trumpets and this is call Rapture. Lord Jesus, will take His children with Him to Heaven for seven years. After the seven years tribulation on earth then He will return again on earth with those who were ratpured with Him into Heaven to the New Jerusalem this will be called His Second Coming. For what is our hope, our joy, or the crown in which we will glory in the presence of our Lord Jesus when He comes? Is it not you? (1 Thess. 2:19)At Jesus' return, only raptured saints will be presented at the seat of glory (1 Cor. 15:49-55). Even if we do not know the day and time of His coming, the sons of light are not in darkness therefore that day will not come upon you like a thief (1 Thess. 5:4-5). Do not be lukewarm believers nor do not sleep but be awake and pray. (1 Thess. 5:1-4)
Remember, therefore, what you have received and heard: obey it, and repent. But if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what time I will come to you, (Rev. 3:3). Those with lukewarm faith, those who are tied to the world, and those who do not know Jesus will be left behind for the Great Tribulation. The Great Tribulation will be the most devastating time in all of human history. Those who are left behind in the Great Tribulation must not receive the biochip (which bears satan's name) into their body (forehead or right hand; Rev 13vs16, 20vs4) even to the point of death. Christians who commit suicide will spend eternal life in hell. By refusing this chip, you will be tortured then killed but if you remain faithful, you will be able to enter into Heaven. All saints must realize this truth and wish Jesus to return. Be awake in the spirit and know that Jesus Christ's return is very near,Amen.